Saturday, June 13, 2009

A sensible article in the NY Times?

It is true, difficult to swallow but true. Someone at the NY Times got it right. I hope Fox reports it! The long and short of the article… the Americans that most hope Obama will "save them" are the ones who will get hurt the worse with Obama’s new health care plan.

Obama’s math and statistically analysis is beyond scary. I am sure you have all heard that the finical data for the new healthcare plan will be coming out of the White House instead of from the usual non partisian office on the Hill? What’s that mean. The books will be cooked a lot more than usual. The wildest part of his figures we are all ready getting is the level of assumptions the White House is making to cover the cost. There is no hard data to support the savings, just assumptions. As the article points out...

Mr. Orszag said hospitals could figure out ways of treating patients “more effectively, through health information technology, a nurse coordinator instead of an unnecessary specialist,” for example. These “productivity adjustments” would account for $110 billion in savings.

Second, the administration expects to lower payments to hospitals that treat large numbers of low-income patients. Medicare and Medicaidmake special extra payments to these hospitals, but Mr. Orszag said those payments would become less necessary over time, as more of the nation’s 45 million uninsured acquire coverage through the new program. This would account for $106 billion in savings.”

All this means is lower income people will get lower quality of care and less treatment and we will pay more for it.

SAD. :0( I hope the liberals pick up on this. But if there failure to report on the facts is as acurate as there reflection on the unemployment figures, well.. were in trouble. I suppose there is hope since I found this article on the NY Times, but how many people dig to find a reason to not support Obama?

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