Monday, May 25, 2009

Here's...... Johnny

So I have never thought of myself as a writer, but maybe I can be a blogger? 

I have a friend that sent me a link to her blog  and I had heard a lot about blogging, who hasn’t, but I was ignorant to what blogging was about.  Well I read her post and made my way around reading other bloggers post and well....  I’m hooked.  There you go, and here I am.   

I write a newsletter on my website. I am a marriage and family therapist, and this blog will serve as a platform so I can fulfill one of the key missions of my organization or practice, to "promote family life education."  For the other things I hope to do see the site.  It will probably be where I vet out ideas and begin the process of trying to articulate them in a way that is interesting and enjoyable to read.  You will probably see some duplication from here to there.  So, I invite you to challenge, question, or comment.  Remember I am a “blogger not a fighter.” 

I think there is too much debate and not enough discussion.  We can all fall victim to becoming too emotionally wed to our ideas and thoughts.  Instead we must have a child like mind.  One that is open, curious, inquisitive, and imaginative.  Opinions are good, values essential, but ideas dynamic.  What a different place our county would be in the public sphere if we could listen and negotiate, instead of deride and put down.  If we have to put down to make our point stand above another, then I think that manifest weakness and insecurity.  Truth needs no such vice.  It is quick and powerful and disarms with grace and ease, because darkness cannot remain in the presence of light.

So, much of what I will write about will be therapy or family life issues, self help type stuff and the like.  In addition I am sure I will have everyday life thoughts and questions that I am sure will find their way here and you can bet there will be some political thoughts opinions, religious thoughts, maybe a poem (if I am feeling confident), and whatever-else-thoughts too.

So, blame Alice.  It’s all her fault.

Thanks and happy reading!

Be well, John


  1. I'm exciting that you're a blogger now! I remember some awesome conversations with you, & have had the thought that I'd love to read your blog. Now I'll get to! Yay!

  2. In all honesty, I had not even come over until this morning. I FORGOT!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE being responsible for dragging other people into the blogging world. It's a great place to be, and much like therapy, where you get ideas and validation. I think you will like it here.

    I am adding your blog to my blog roll, right now.

    I can't wait to see some more posts! I will be better about reading when I get you on my reader.

    It's a good thing I got to comment before coming in to see you. :)

  3. Oh, and I love the blog name. SO so so original.
